[fpc-devel] assembler error with inlining on power pc / mac? [Fwd: [Lazarus] PPC: SynEditFoldedView giving "parameter syntax error"]

Brad Campbell brad at wasp.net.au
Thu Nov 6 13:41:54 CET 2008

Martin Friebe wrote:
> Hi,
> I do not have myself a power-pc, nor mac. But I have several reports 
> like the below.
> I know from one instance (where this happened during cross-compiling 
> from a linux box) that the error disappeared, when inlining was disabled 
> (The units explicitly marks a lot of procedures for inlining)
> First: On power-pc/Mac, does fpc always use an external assembler? Or is 
> there a build in assembler.
> I know that the person cross-compiling was using an external assembler. 
> / I do not know if the reporter below did or did not use an external 
> assembler (but I see the "Assembling unit" in the output.)


I've logged a bug for this one with links to the debug information.
I'm more than happy to perform tests (native or cross) if it will help.

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