[fpc-devel] Documentation for FCL files not already in the FreePascal docs

Vincent Snijders vsnijders at vodafonevast.nl
Wed Nov 5 15:05:54 CET 2008

Michael Van Canneyt schreef:
> On Wed, 5 Nov 2008, Chris Kirkpatrick wrote:
>> I am trying to provide documentation for the LCL (as .xml files using FPDoc
>> and tools in the Lazarus IDE).
>> In the unit Graphics, there are several Components that inherit properties and
>> methods from components and units in the FCL, including
>> FPImgCmn, FPImage, FPCanvas,
>>  FPReadPNG, FPWritePNG,
>>  FPReadBMP, FPWriteBMP, FPReadPNM, FPWritePNM,  FPReadJpeg, FPWriteJpeg.
>> For example, when trying to write definitions for TPen, TBrush, TCanvas etc, I
>> am constantly finding references to TFPCanvas, TFPBrush and other components
>> in FPCanvas.
>> As far as I can see, there are no documentation files for these Units, and
>> when I try to create a documentation entry I get an error message (see
>> attached).
>> I need advice: either we need documentation files created by the FPC
>> developers, or I need to try to create documentation files using MakeSkel and
>> then submit them as patches (unless the FPC team are prepared to allow me to
>> commit changes to the Docs directory in SVN).
> You can always create the files and use them locally.
> As you know, policy is not to include docs unless the unit is fully
> documented.

Can you create a branch for Chris to work on it? Or should we keep those partially 
(because of work in progress) documented in the Lazarus repository and then you can 
send patches, if you are working on it, but are not yet finished.


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