[fpc-devel] please make TField.SetDataset virtual

Paul Ishenin ip at kmiac.ru
Thu May 29 08:42:53 CEST 2008

Paul Ishenin wrote:

> I help to convert Fib+ library to FPC/Lazarus and this was one of the 
> problems we found.
Found one more incompatibility - TField.SetAsVariant declaration is differ:

procedure SetAsVariant(const AValue: variant); virtual;

procedure SetAsVariant(AValue: variant); virtual;

Can 'const' can be added to the fpc declaration?

Patch that fixed both incompatibilities is attached.

And, btw: GetDataSize and SetSize have word argument in fpc while in 
delphi they are integer. I think this incompatibility will not be fixed 
- so I will live with it.


Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.
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