[fpc-devel] Bug in trunk?

Anton Kavalenka anton.k at tut.by
Fri Mar 28 17:46:27 CET 2008

> Why should it be true ? 
> The specs only say something about writing, not about reading.
> It is a misconception to think that you can read a stream
> and thus restore a component to it's "original designed state".
> The behaviour of reading a component from stream is only well-defined
> after it was just created. 
> If you want a general streaming mechanism (javabeans like), then you
> simply should not use "stored" or "default", then you'll have something
> that comes close.
> Michael.
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This was about modifiers

Current impementation of propert writer is Delphi incompatible (eg does 
not take in account modifiers as the Delphi does).


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