[fpc-devel] Russian locale information not compatible with FPClocale variables

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Thu Jul 31 11:11:59 CEST 2008

> Well, there's a subtle difference between "parallel" and "async": whilst the for-loop may run in parallel, once you got to the statement after it, all iterations are finished. The same is not true for an async(hronous) procedure.
Very good point !!! !

That is why the "parallel" keyword should be reserved for loops (that 
internally run in parallel) and not be used for stuff that runs 
asynchronous (in parallel to something external to that scope).

This is why the "async" and/or "future" keywords are much more 
appropriate for procedures to run in the background. (Which might be the 
easiest paradigm to implement.)

OTHO this also points out that "parallel loops" are by far the easiest 
to used, as you don't need to care of any synchronizing outside of the loop.


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