[fpc-devel] Present and Future of Free Pascal Compiler (1).

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk sanliturk at ttnet.net.tr
Wed Jul 30 15:07:42 CEST 2008

Dear Sirs ,


My ideas about dear Boian Mitov's views are
the following:

I do NOT think that my view is a narrow vision .

If you wonder how I am working I tell it :
Over my Desktop there are some html pages I prepared
myself filled a large number of company/organization
web page links .

Some of my web pages are open in front of me and when I want I am
clicking any one of the company or organization link  and
I am studying its contexts .
I regularly use Yahoo or Google searches .

You are thinking in terms of Intel .

Is Intel the ONLY processor producer ?
There are a large number
of main frame producers and parallel processing is NOT a new
subject of a few years .

Intel processors are used mainly by Microsoft ( DOS , Windows , etc. )
products since 1980 with DOS mainly on PCs .
Later Linux since ( around ) 1990 , later on
some other Unix operating systems , etc .
Apple a short time ago started to use Intel processors .

When quality of Intel processors are concerned , their potential
is not exploited by Microsoft up to 1995 when Windows 95 appeared ,
ten years later because first Intel 386 capable of 32 bits
appeared around 1985 .
In short , please do NOT think only in terms of Microsoft views
and its operating systems .

Intel compilers and other programs is in my PC and I know them
very well but I am not using them currently because I am working on
my DBMS program . My Fortran programs are working on Windows .
I do not have commercial Intel compilers in Windows but Linux
free personal edition suite . 
I can say that Intel is trying to promote its products
and helping to people to utilize its capabilities .
Obviously very good efforts .
This does NOT rescue the operating system developers to
implement necessary facilities into their operating systems .

As I said trying to fill operating systems deficiencies is NOT a
good practice .

Also parallel processing and distributed processing may
be achieved distinct programs by message interchanging .
This means that there is NO only ONE way .

In my opinion there are much more useful improvement points
for FPC before multithreading and/or parallel processing .

This is a scheduling problem :
Which task should be performed first
when time and resources are concerned to
achieve greatest contribution ?


to Dear Florian Klaempfl ,

I am not saying that such facilities are useless or unnecessary .
Our operating system views seems to be different .
Scheduling of tasks on machine resources is a responsibility
of operating system . When this is not done by a widely used
operating system on PCs the people are trying to do it themselves .

When there is no such an operating system , what a compiler can do ?
Tries to do everything by itself .

I do not know whether you studied IBM VM or not .
History of IBM VM and its features are very interesting .

Assume that there is a common data base for compiling a program .
A cooperating process ( different program ) can write symbol table , etc .
to that data base and other process ( different program ) can read from
this data base and outputs its results into this data base or
waits  to completion of previous tasks . OR all of the
compilation output may be shared through message passing with facilities
supplied by the operating system
such as DDE ( Dynamic Data Exchange ) , etc.

It is just a transaction processing problem by multiple processors
where processors being different computers or
different programs/CPUs within a computer .

Therefore , in my opinion there are many ways to achieve
cooperative processing .

Thank you very much ,

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk

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