[fpc-devel] Russian locale information not compatible with FPC locale variables

Daniël Mantione daniel.mantione at freepascal.org
Tue Jul 29 11:39:09 CEST 2008

Op Tue, 29 Jul 2008, schreef Micha Nelissen:

> Marco van de Voort wrote:
>>> Dani?l Mantione wrote:
>>>> is no proper solution, MBCS requires it to be a string rather than a 
>>>> char, but compatibility requires it to be a char. Which means you are 
>>> Isn't a string backward compatible with a Char?
>> No. You can't typecast or ORD() it anymore, or  subtract other chars from
>> it.
> I'm not sure how many people are trying to do that on the ThousandSeparator 
> variable, but in theory you are right.


... would fail as fail.

Basically anything fails except where the char is converted to string. I 
don't the compat issues are theoretic. There for sure exists code that 
assigns thousandseparator to a char or passes it to a var parameter.


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