[fpc-devel] FPC won't bootstrap anymore on Mac OS X 10.3

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Wed Jan 2 12:34:27 CET 2008

On 31 Dec 2007, at 15:27, Giulio Bernardi wrote:

> I tried to cycle the compiler on my ancient PowerMacintosh G3 and  
> both 2.2.1 and 2.3.1 fail.
> The reason is that the assembler supplied with Xcode 1.5 (the last  
> supported version for 10.3.9) doesn't like the output generated by  
> fpc.
> I think that 2.2.0 is not affected since, when cycling, this happens:
> fpc 2.2.0 compiles the new rtl (no errors)
> fpc 2.2.0 compiles ppc1 (no errors)
> ppc1 compiles the rtl, and here apple's as complains: in a couple of  
> places in sysutils.s as says: "Complex expression. Absolute segment  
> assumed".
> Since it is a warning I made fpc call as with -W option: compilation  
> continues but then the generated compiler is buggy and crashes.

Please compile with -al, note the lines at which the assembler  
complains (it prints them as pascalsourcefile:linenr, but those line  
numbers are actually inside the assembler file) and create a bug  
report showing what kind of expressions cause problems.


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