[fpc-devel] [patch] FPCunit & Dunit compatibility improvements

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 10:59:55 CET 2008

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Michael Van Canneyt
<michael at freepascal.org> wrote:
>> About the question to merge: no.
> Indeed. We are too close to 2.2.4.
> But I've applied the patch to trunk, and it will be merged after the release.

Thanks! And no problem about the merge.

> The patch introduces some new functions but they are

Which is why I commented in the bug report that the patch is
non-invasive. The patch only adds new methods, it doesn't change
exisiting ones.

> - not used in the core code, although I think they should be ?

Nothing in FPCUnit uses the DUnit compatibility methods. They are just
that - a compatibility interface for existing DUnit projects that want
to use FPCunit. A good example of that is the tiOPF project. :-)

> - not tested in the testsuite.
> Can we expect patches for this as well ?

There are no tests for the DUnit compatibility interface. That
interface is simply a wrapper for existing FPCunit functions. Most are
simply a parameter order change and namechange
  AssertXXX(msg,expected,actual)  ->  CheckXXX(expecte,actual,msg)

So I don't really see the need for testing the compatibility
interface, they simply use already tested FPCunit methods.  Not to
mention, they are well tested/used in tiOPF project anyway - the last
test count being 1500+ for FPC compiler under Linux.

  - Graeme -

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