[fpc-devel] UTF8Encode widestring encoding

JoshyFun joshyfun at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 16:52:10 CEST 2008

Hello Graeme,

Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 3:48:39 PM, you wrote:

GG> That doesn't say much... :-)

It's the usual status :) most ones are focused in speed instead given
a bit of security, special against overlong sequences which can bypass
security barriers... check the attached file and decode it with FPC
UTF8Decode ;) and DO NOT RUN IT! ;)

GG> I couldn't find a single program or editor that could display that
GG> file correctly. Pretty amazing that one file can defeat all programs.
GG> :-)
GG> Programs I tried:
GG>   Kate (kde editor)
GG>   gEdit (Gnome editor)
GG>   Firefox 3 (did the best out of the lot)
GG>   vi (disastrous)
GG>   OpenOffice 2.3 (probably the best out of the lot)
GG>   AbiWord 2.4.6
GG> Do you know of any program that passes that test?

Nope, I had checked some of them and Firefox is maybe the better. You
can also try the UTF8ToUnicode that I'd posted in the bug filled.

Best regards,
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