[fpc-devel] fpdoc and fv

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Aug 25 12:07:00 CEST 2008

On 8/25/08, Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl> wrote:
> Personally I despise wiki'ed manuals. They are horrible quality,
>  over-hyperlinked beasts of ugly. I always get the feeling that those
>  "everybody hacks away online" manuals are more obsessed with the process
>  than with the result.

I fully agree.  Wiki for manuals on online help just doesn't work.
Links could be broken very easily and the help is stuck in a single
format and no good for offline usage.

>  system (people being able to annotate problems in the FPC docs on a per page
>  basis in wiki style), however it was plagued with technical problems, and
>  never caught on.
>  I still like the principle though. It is still visible on the FPC docs page
>  (the "with comments" option)

Why not simply build a option in the HTML generated by fpdoc, so users
can click on a link at the bottom of the page or even better, next to
each paragraph (something like [edit] in wiki pages), which then
emails the documentation maintainers (customisable option) with the
comment/fix/suggestion for that documentation paragraph.  The doc
maintainers can then update the fpdoc (source) documentation.  I
believe the MSDN help has such a feature as well.

  - Graeme -

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