[fpc-devel] gtk 2.6 symbols

Paul Ishenin ip at kmiac.ru
Thu Aug 21 09:57:41 CEST 2008

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Aug 2008, Paul Ishenin wrote:
>> Hello,  FPC developers' list.
>> I've added gtk 2.6 symbols. They depends on previously sent glib patch.
> Both patches are committed (rev 11617,11618) and merged to fixes (rev 11619).
> Thanks for the great job !

Thanks, but you forgot to commit pango-layout.inc (I've included it with 

I also reviewed all extras which lazarus used and found:
- one error in gdk (translation was correct, but error is placed in the 
- and ocasionally missed 3 functions and one constant.

Please apply them too and apply pango-layout.inc please too.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.
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