[fpc-devel] compile fpc for i386 from a 64 bit machine

Daniël Mantione daniel.mantione at freepascal.org
Thu Nov 29 10:30:46 CET 2007

Op Thu, 29 Nov 2007, schreef Joost van der Sluis:

> Most linux-distubutions do support 32 bit and 64 bit at the same time.
> So you can just install the 32-bit fpc-compiler on your system, and use
> this compiler to create 32-bit applications on your 64/32-bit OS.

Distribution support is not even necessary, for example, we have the i386 
version installed on Scenergy (without any 32-bit distro support) and it 
runs without trouble. Of course you cannot link to external libraries in 
such case, because they are not installed.


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