[fpc-devel] compile fpc for i386 from a 64 bit machine

Alvise Nicoletti alvise.nicoletti at siteland.it
Thu Nov 29 10:19:14 CET 2007

Hi... I need to cross-compile an application in a 64 bit environment, 
(fully working with lazarus 0.9.23 and FPC 2.2.1), for 32 bits archs.

I tryed to follow this guide: 

But I have the following errors:
/home/siteland/lazarus/FPC_2.2.1/compiler/ppc -Ur -Xs -O2 -n -Fui386 
-Fusystems -Fu/home/siteland/lazarus/FPC_2.2.1/rtl/units/x86_64-linux 
-Fii386 -FE. -FUi386/units/x86_64-linux -Cg -dRELEASE  -di386 -dGDB 
-dBROWSERLOG -Fux86 pp.pas
fpcdefs.inc(111,2) Error: User defined: Cross-compiling from non-i386 to 
i386 is not yet supported at this time
fpcdefs.inc(111,2) Error: User defined: Cross-compiling from non-i386 to 
i386 is not yet supported at this time
fpcdefs.inc(111,2) Error: User defined: Cross-compiling from non-i386 to 
i386 is not yet supported at this time
fpcdefs.inc(111,2) Error: User defined: Cross-compiling from non-i386 to 
i386 is not yet supported at this time
cutils.pas(148,1) Fatal: There were 4 errors compiling module, stopping

This is my arch:
Linux myserver 2.6.15-28-amd64-server #1 SMP Wed Jul 18 23:04:02 UTC 
2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Alvise Nicoletti

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