[fpc-devel] Lazarus IDE searching units overwiev inquire (issue#10176 successor)

Andrey Gusev ag888 at rambler.ru
Thu Nov 15 11:04:06 CET 2007

I have ask to all at once.

* Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de> [Thu, 15 Nov 2007
> You don't need to add every unit to a project or package. It is
> sufficient to add the the directories to the unit search path.
> But for update checks, and quick searches it is recommended to
> assign every unit to a specific project or package

AG: i.e. with project->add unit ?


> If a directory is not in the unit search path, then it will not get 
> project settings.

AG: From which (search) paths, have a few tunables ?


> Because the IDE does not apply the project settings to everything 
> Delphi), the developer finds dangling units quickly and the units
> can use only those units, that they should use. This reduces version
> conflicts, accidental auto rebuilds and context switches.

AG: That is all fine, but the full control ability (of search process) 
interested to me !


>AG> ...
>AG> knowledge... In present IDE behave itself as old bore, or as
>AG> accountant, it's more clever in expectations.
Mattias> Can you give an example?

AG: What example?, that IDE behaviour remember to me an old bore ? :)


Vincent Snijders>Yiu can compile the IDE with fpc 2.2.0 and develop 
applications with fpc
                > 2.3.1.

AG: You right, for my production-critical tasks i will have deed just 

and last

A have construct a quite simple sample, that demonstrates 
FPC231<=>Lazarus lacks.
It is only simplified exposition of #10176 issue. I will bring new 
issue, as soon as
manits will available. As was supposed by me, the presence of my own 
form ancestor
is essential to "unit-read-error" revealing (the IDE-old-bor'ity :) )

A think, that discuss subject "Must IDE editor be such intelligent
(in syntax comprehension sense) as compiler, or syntax highlighting is 
enough ?"
would be useful.
What thoughts developers respected about this ?

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