[fpc-devel] Re: NotifyIconData not flexible enougth

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Sat Nov 10 13:14:48 CET 2007

> By the way, it's necessary to use many versions of the same structure
> at the same time to achieve a flexible software which can, for
> example, detect if the system supports version 5 of the structure. If
> yes, use it to show the BallonHint. If not, use older structure
> version, and use alternative method to show the BallonHint using a
> dialog.
> I don't know what happens when we use a newer structure version on
> older windows. Some field sizes changed (szTip), so it would probably
> break things.

I did that translation, and didn't enable those defines for exactly that
reason. So that has to be researched first, if any exisiting code can be
broken by enabling this (e.g. if it passes sizeof(struct). Probably the
winapi decides the version dependning on the size of the structure passed.

Btw, the defines are converted from the MS headers. So this is how MS does
it in practice themselves.

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