[fpc-devel] Attachments

Daniël Mantione daniel.mantione at freepascal.org
Tue Nov 6 16:14:50 CET 2007

Op Tue, 6 Nov 2007, schreef Leonardo M. Ramé:

> Are you planning to create a new list with Attachments enabled? or enabling them in this list?

Only small attachments are allowed (<=30k). A limit is necessary 
because otherwise people sent megabytes large files. This is undesired
because people get megabytes of mail without asksing, and our servers get 
overloaded to send such e-mails in hundreds.
> Yesterday I'd try to post a response with a code example and never was posted to the list.

It is in the on-hold queue.

If you have large files you like to share, please post them on a website 
and link to them, that is much more desirable.


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