[fpc-devel] Dnamic packages support

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Tue Nov 6 11:14:14 CET 2007

Hi Lars,

> The key point is exporting the api from the executable rather than the dll. Many
> people don't understand this basic concept nor know it is possible, nor
> understand why it works and how it works.
I, too, in fact don't understand this. care to give a short explanation 
? I do know about FP/GNU ABI-problems, but that does not seem to be the 
major port of the problem.
> LazarusRB (arby) demonstrated this years ago with an API called Plugger. It is
> no longer in active development 
That is a really bad :-( . What is LazarusRB ? Is there still something 
usable and some documentation on LazarusRB and/or Plugger ?

> since I am very busy with web programming and
> consulting, and documenting Powtils project which takes most of my time.
I did file a bug report regarding the in deed not functional 
"CGI-project" feature in Lazarus. I don't suppose that you are involved 
in that but maybe it would be a good idea to synchronize this with parts 
of what Powtils provides.


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