[fpc-devel] merge of revision 6749

Vincent Snijders vsnijders at quicknet.nl
Thu Mar 15 10:19:08 CET 2007

Vincent Snijders schreef:
> Hi,
> Why is revision 6749 merged in revsion 6771?
> It is the likely cause of bug 8492, so I would have waited with the 
> merge, until that bug has been fixed.

Since this bug has not been fixed yet, I propose to undo the merge to 
the fixes branch for now. After all, it would be nice if people could 
use xmlcfg in fpc 2.1.4. And Joost has said he will allow only build 
related fixes in 2.1.3, so we must undo the merge before tagging 2.1.2.


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