[fpc-devel] graph module

Evgeniy Ivanov lolkaantimat at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 22:13:58 CET 2007

On Mon, 12 Mar 2007 00:11:06 +0300, Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl>  

>> > Are the licensing issues sorted out for it? If not, there may be a
>> > problem since standard MPL is incompatible with GPL (so people can't
>> > release GPL programs using those bindings). I don't know about the  
>> > (and how our static linking exception affects this).
>> >
>> As far as I know if somebody uses  MPL the product based on  MPL must be
>> only  MPL.
>> MPL is incompatible with  LGPL too.
>> http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/relicensing-faq.html
> Where exactly? I see "perceived incompability" in the header, but afaik  
> only names GPL.


(The LGPL allows code released under LGPL terms to be combined in certain  
specified ways with code released under non-LGPL terms, as for example  
when releasing an application using a library consisting of code released  
under the LGPL. However the relevant LGPL provisions do not address all  
possible ways in which code released under the MPL and code released under  
the LGPL could be combined to form a larger work. In particular, when  
linking Mozilla source files directly into a library released under the  
LGPL, e.g., to extend the functionality of that library, the effect of the  
LGPL terms, and any potential license incompatibilities that might arise,  
appear to be similar to those associated with the GPL.)

Best regards

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