[fpc-devel] graph module

Evgeniy Ivanov lolkaantimat at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 10:52:20 CET 2007

On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 23:12:32 +0300, Jonas Maebe  
<jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be> wrote:

> Are the licensing issues sorted out for it? If not, there may be a  
> problem since standard MPL is incompatible with GPL (so people can't  
> release GPL programs using those bindings). I don't know about the LGPL  
> (and how our static linking exception affects this).

As far as I know if somebody uses  MPL the product based on  MPL must be  
only  MPL.

MPL is incompatible with  LGPL too.


There is a way to use a triple license. But as I understood we need to  
make all  FPC code licenced as  MPL/LGPL because one module uses  MPL  
code. It is not the way.
So, if we want to have  sdlgraph there are 3 ways:
- rewrite needed  SDL headers
- write  SDL initialization and few base function for  SDL in C and then  
make headers for pascal
- speak with JEDI-SDL developer. But I don't know if he  relized it under   
MPL has he right to give such permission

Best regards

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