[fpc-devel] Where to add mksymbian

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Tue Jul 3 21:51:15 CEST 2007

On 03 Jul 2007, at 21:36, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

> Are the projects on fpc/utils automatically built at some point? (like
> make cycle or make install) I am wondering that adding mksymbian there
> with a makefile could cause it to start being compiled on other
> platforms, where it is useless.

A subdirectory is never compiled automatically. So if you add a  
directory to fpc/utils, you still need to change the fpc/utils/ 
Makefile.fpc (and regenerated the fpc/utils/Makefile) to build your  
mksymbian. If you look at fpc/utils/Makefile.fpc, you'll see:

dirs=fppkg fpcm tply h2pas fprcp dxegen fpdoc
programs=ppdep ptop rstconv data2inc delp bin2obj postw32 rmcvsdir
dirs_win32=fpmc fpcres

So simply add


and that directory will only be built and installed for symbian.


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