[fpc-devel] SymbianOS port

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 15:10:22 CET 2007

Ok, continuing, I tryed to compile fpc for symbian with:

make clean all OS_TARGET=symbian

using 2.0.4 as starting compiler.

I edited fpc/compiler/systems.pas, fpc/compiler/compiler.pas,
fpc/compiler/i386/cputarg.pas and added i_symbian.pas and

And when I try to compile fpc for symbian I get an error:

pp.pas(146,1) Fatal: Can't find unit System
Fatal: Compilation aborted

I used -va option and I can see it doesn´t look for system.pp on
fpc/rtl/symbian/ where my system unit is. So how can I make fpc
understand that that directory is where it should look for my system

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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