[fpc-devel] FPC dynamic libraries

George Birbilis birbilis at kagi.com
Wed Feb 7 23:02:18 CET 2007

> > > We need a version system.
> > 
> > That's not something "we" need, but which most OS'es need 
> (and don't 
> > provide, except for hacks like symlinks or different filenames).
> > Moreover, it doesn't really solve much unless you like having 20 
> > different versions of the same shared library on your system (which 
> > would more or less defeat the purpose of saving space, although it 
> > could still save memory if more than one FPC program is 
> running at the 
> > same time).
> If I understand well what you mean, Vista has versioning of 
> that kind, you can ask to see older versions of any file and 
> restore the one you want. A small caveat is that for files 
> that don't exist currently anymore (deleted) there's no GUI 
> to get them (or one I haven't spotted yet) and you need to 
> make a dummy file with same name, then right click it and go 
> to Properties, then ask for the older versions (there's a 
> special tab for that on the dialog). Not sure if the Basic 
> version of Vista has this functionality available (I tried it 
> with Vista Ultimate)

If you meant having many libs of different version exist side-by-side, .NET
runtime supports it, but Win32 itself doesn't

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