[fpc-devel] FP 2.4 questions

Fabio Dell'Aria fabio.dellaria at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 12:02:19 CET 2007


this is the results:

ld -shared -E -o system.dll system.o prt0.o

ld: prt0.o: No such file: No such file or directory

2007/12/28, Daniël Mantione <daniel.mantione at freepascal.org>:
> Op Fri, 28 Dec 2007, schreef Fabio Dell'Aria:
> > OK, but how I can: "Make ppumove dump its linker script and find out
> what it
> > does wrong." ?
> >
> > The -b options return the following .bat file:
> That is the correct option.
> > ld -shared -E -o system.dll system.o
> What is at least missing from this script is prt0.o, so I suggest to add
> it, and see what it does. Probably you also need to add some DLL import
> stuff as that was reported to be missing too (no idea how it exactly works
> in Win32).
> As soon as the linker no longer complains, we can adapt ppumove to
> generate the script that way.
> Daniël
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Best regards...

Fabio Dell'Aria.
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