[fpc-devel] weird syntax

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Tue Dec 11 10:04:50 CET 2007

Andrew Haines wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to make this work:
> if X > 3 or < 10 then ...
> of course it would be shorthand for: if (X>3) or (X<10) then....
The "or" operator is stronger than the "<" operator by definition. This 
can't be changed.
In C we have a logical or ("||") and a binary or ("|"), as there is no 
boolean type. In Delphi language there is only one operator "or", as the 
type defines the makeup of the operation. While this is nice, it 
prevents the "<" operator from being stronger that "or", as the "or" 
might be bitwise.
> if X > 3 or < -1 or = 4000 or = 1000000 then...
for me
  a  or = 1000000;
should mean a := a or 1000000;



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