[fpc-devel] (patch) An attempt to improve assignments/function result reuse

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Sat Dec 8 17:49:31 CET 2007

On 08 Dec 2007, at 17:45, Sergei Gorelkin wrote:

> Jonas Maebe wrote:
>>> The next logical step would be returning all automated types in  
>>> parameters, which would get rid of quite a pack of implicit  
>>> finalization code.
>> And thoroughly break Delphi compatibility at the same time :)  
>> Especially for assembler routines this could result in quite a few  
>> problems.
> Hmm... But Delphi does the very same thing - returns strings and  
> variants in parameters - so the compatibility is expected to increase?

I didn't know that. In that case, it may indeed increase Delphi  
compatibility (but decrease backwards FPC compatibility).


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