[fpc-devel] Shootout

Vincent Snijders vsnijders at quicknet.nl
Sat Sep 30 11:21:42 CEST 2006

Daniël Mantione wrote:
> Op Sat, 30 Sep 2006, schreef Marc Weustink:
>>Daniël Mantione wrote:
>>>Encouraged by Vincent I made an attempt to implement the Chameneos 
>>>benchmark of the Shootout. 
>>??? Last week I submitted chamenos to shootout and it got accepted.
> Argh, then we have been double work :)
>>It's only the work of one night, so it might need some improvement (it'
>>isn't faster that the C implementation for instance)
> Mine neither :/

If people are willing to help, I have some suggestions:

Create headers for gmp, so we can use gmp instead my own hacked bigint 
library. There is an header for gpc, but I don't know how compitable it 
is to fpc: http://www.mingw.org/cgi-bin/info2html/info2html?(gpc.info)GMP

Write a working regexpr engine. The one packages doesn't support looking 
for expressions that contain a "|" for example "ab|c".


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