[fpc-devel] Non-blocking sockets on Mac OS X

Robert Reimiller certgrps at certsoft.com
Sat Sep 9 04:22:34 CEST 2006

On Fri, 08 Sep 2006 20:27:37 -0000, Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl>  
> fpgetsockopt uses pointers. getsocketoptions is an older (1.0.x)  
> compability
> function.

Must of have missed it, too many choices

Got the program working (it's about 20000 lines of code) with the MD5  
me the most grief. Found a bunch of places where my endian handling was  
so it was worth the 15 hours effort. Unfortunately now I have to start  
it to "C", I HATE C!!!

I don't know how you can keep all those different operating systems and  
straight in your mind, an amazing feat. I think I was initially supporting  
3 or 4
operating systems back when I was doing 6809 Pascal (and later in the 80's  
68000) but
didn't have nearly the processors to support.



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