[fpc-devel] Patch for fixing CE compilation

Marc Weustink marc at dommelstein.net
Sun Oct 29 16:33:30 CET 2006

This patch fixes CE compilation.
I would have applied it myself, but I've some questions about the common
win dir and the wince implementation in the rtl.

The main fix was changing the definition of TCHAR=Word into a

This is declared in both wince/wininc/base.inc and win/wininc/base.inc
I changed them both, since IMO win32/64 would have the same problem if
UNICODE was defined.
At the same time I wondered why there are 2 declarations. Why isn't
wince ising the win definition as well ?

Same counts for instance for socket.pp, why are there 2 ?

Further, not related to this fix, but just noticed it, I commented the
declatarion of WCHAR in both base.inc.
AFAICS, WCHAR is defined in systemh and IMO there is no reason to define
it elsewhere again. I guess more cases are present.
Is there a reason for this (other than a leftover form the past) ?

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