[fpc-devel] [patch] - fpcUnit XSLT

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Nov 24 10:52:46 CET 2006

On 11/24/06, Vincent Snijders <vsnijders at quicknet.nl> wrote:
> I see a couple of improvements:

There is always place for improvement.  :-)
The last patch was just the beginning and to get some basics for the
grouping working.

> * Add Tests, Failures, Errors, Elapsed time for testsuites too (needs a change in
> the xmlreporter).

It was on my to do list, but didn't get time for it yet.  I was only
going to add the totol test count and total elapsed time for a
testsuit.  What is the Failures and Errors, a count of howmany occured
in the testsuit?

> * Color code the test suite line (green, ok, red failures).

Thought about that as well.

> * Allow test suites in other testsuites. As I wrote the tests the "Snapshot on
> scenergy" test suites contains most of the following test suites. So they should be
> hidden in it, and if I click on the scenergy snapshot, they should become visible,
> just like the individual test do.

Dean sent me a patch the other day that allows for nested tests (more
that the current two levels). Obviously the xslt file doesn't work
with such tests yet. I haven't looked at the patch yet, to see what
needs changing.

> * Show the failure or error message as extra information of the test, so clicking on
> the test would show it.

Got this on my todo list as well.  I was going to jump to the actual
error or failure lower down in the page. Did you have another idea?

> What do you think of these improvements? Which ones are you willing to implement? If
> you don't do them all (in time), I will do the remaining ones.

I'll start with the first two.

Graeme Geldenhuys
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