[fpc-devel] Mutex!

Amir Aavani Aavani at iust.ac.ir
Sun Nov 5 06:09:17 CET 2006

  Let me explain the problem with more details,

consider the following code:

while true do
  ReadLn (S);
/// Lock Mutex
  AThread:= TMyThread.Create (True);//Suspended
  AThread.Prepare (S);
///UnLock Mutex

To understand the EnterCriticalsection, I write the following code,  I 
was expect to see a single "Here" while a lot of here is printed.
Was I incorrect in anywhere?

  InitCriticalSection (cs);
  while true do
    EnterCriticalsection (cs);
    WriteLn ('Here!');
    LeaveCriticalsection (cs);

I referred to a document about EnterCriticalsection, It said that It 
prevent two different thread to access a critical section, but here

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