[fpc-devel] FPDOC crashes if built with fpc 2.1.1

Vincent Snijders vsnijders at quicknet.nl
Mon May 29 12:46:31 CEST 2006

Vincent Snijders schreef:
> Hi,
> If I use fpc 2.1.1 to compile fpdoc on linux and use that to create the 
> rtl docs, I get the following error:
> An unhandled exception occurred at $080503F7 :
> EOutOfMemory : Out of memory
>   $080503F7  NEWWIDESTRING,  line 170 of 
> /home/vsds/lazarus/source/fpc/2.1/rtl/inc/wstrings.inc
>   $080C9C60  TXMLREADER__PARSEMISC,  line 763 of xmlread.pp
>   $080CB725  READXMLFILE
> I used the compiler options "-ghl" parameters.
> I don't understand why a new string is allocated at that place in 
> ParseMisc and I don't understand why at the end of newwidestring this 
> error is raised.

On windows this error doesn't occur, maybe because the widestring implementation is 
different on windows than on linux.


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