[fpc-devel] OS aware RTL proposal

Ales Katona almindor at gmail.com
Fri Mar 10 09:15:44 CET 2006

>First: only Linux has the main problem. BSD never renumbers ABI calls, newer
>abi calls have a different prototype.
No even BSD adds new stuff from time to time, like kqueue, altho that's 

>As long as only syscall nrs change. This rarely happens. Usually something
>gets 64-bit, or has an extra param, or different structure etc.
Well yes but there are other implications, see winsock1 vs winsock2 
problem in windows.

>That is a nice trick, but IMHO only important for that hand full of
>"problematic" calls that are urgently needed but recently added.
Yes I agree.

>ABI compat is way more than using the right syscall nrs.
Indeed. That's why I included the libc parts too. It just illustrates 
some uses.

>* more complicated, thus more bugprone.
>* case that this (except libc trick) actually saves anybody is IMHO near
>* All binary compability must be prepared in the binaries that go onto the
>field. That makes them legacy binaries anyway.
>So in short: yes, some of the techniques are usefull if there indeed is such
>huge problem with dynlinking, that can't be solved with some form of
>lazy linking. 
>But the workaround should be kept to those functions _only_, and only if
>there is a real chance that anything actually might go wrong.
Yes indeed. I should perhaps clearly state that it shouldn't be the 
standard for all units etc.

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