[fpc-devel] Variant assignment error

Alexander Todorov alexx.todorov at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 22:35:27 CET 2006

Hi to all,
When assigning string that represent numerical value to a variant and
after that assigning that variant to a numeric variable an exception
is raised. When debugging it shows the following message :
###(gdb unparsed remainder: s $0 out of bounds>)###)
The error is for Int64 and Double types. Should I check for values
from other numerical types?

Here is the sample program.
program project1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

uses SysUtils, Variants;

var D : Double;
    V : Variant;
    I64 : Int64;
    I : Integer;
  V := 150000000; //150 000 000
  I := V;
  writeln('integer - ', I);

  V := IntToStr(150000000);
  I := V; // <--- works
  writeln('integer str - ', I);

  V := 150000000000; // 150 000 000 000
  I64 := V;
  writeln('int64 - ', I64);

  V := IntToStr(150000000000);
  I64 := V;  // <--- doesn't work  FPC / Delphi 6
  writeln('int64 str - ', I64);

  V := 3.14;
  D := V;
  writeln('double - ', D);

  V := FloatToStr(3.14);
  D := V;  // <--- doesn't work FPC. works in Delphi 6
  writeln('double str - ', D);

Tested with FPC 2.0.1 on Windows XP. Should I add a bug report for that ?

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