[fpc-devel] Re: Compile errors in HEAD Rev. 4429

Oro06 orinaudo at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 13:22:44 CEST 2006

i don't have this error but not proceed as you did.
when rebuilding everythings under win32 :

1°) rebuilding the compiler
-better to use a release to build the thrunk (several posts on that in ng)
(for example 2.0.2, get it , rename ppc386.exe to ppc386-202.exe and put 
it in your bin dir)
cd compiler
make distclean PP=ppc386-202.exe
make cycle install INSTALL_PREFIX=d:\fpcbin PP=ppc386-202.exe 
then the new ppc386.exe is built, it will be used for all other builds

2°)building win32
make distclean
make all install -i OPT="-vt -Xi" CPU_TARGET=i386 OS_TARGET=win32 
INSTALL_PREFIX=d:\fpcbin >logwin32.txt

3°)building arm-cross  compiler
make distclean PP=fpc.exe CPU_TARGET=arm OS_TARGET=wince
make crossall crossinstall OPT="-vt -Xe" CPU_TARGET=arm OS_TARGET=wince 
BINUTILSPREFIX=arm-wince-pe- INSTALL_PREFIX=d:\fpcbin PP=fpc.exe 

Gabor Boros wrote:
> Thanks, but 1. problem is still appears.
> See into the rtl/win32/makefile, rtl/win64/makefile, 
> rtl/win32/makefile.fpc and rtl/win64/makefile.fpc and search:
> fpcmemdll.exe.
> Gabor
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