Fwd: Re: [fpc-devel] build unit dependency list

Mario R. Carro mcarro at gmx.net
Tue Aug 8 19:48:16 CEST 2006

> On Fri, 4 Aug 2006 09:53:00 -0300
> "Mario R. Carro" <mcarro at gmx.net> wrote:
> > Hi, I have a few hand made makefiles for some (up to now) Delphi projects
> > that I use to build the releases. I would want to be able to
> > automagically generate the dependencies for the units in the projects.
> >
> > I found that Lazarus has a dependencies view window. So after some
> > browsing I wrote the following minimal test program:
> >
> > program getpdeps;
> > {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> > uses
> >   Classes,
> >   CodeCache,
> >   CodeToolManager;
> > var
> >   IntfFiles, ImplFiles: TStrings;
> >   Cache: TCodeCache;
> >   Buffer: TCodeBuffer;
> > begin
> >   Cache := TCodeCache.Create;
> >   IntfFiles := TStringList.Create;
> >   ImplFiles := TStringList.Create;
> >   try
> >     Buffer := Cache.LoadFile(ParamStr(1));
> >     CodeToolBoss.ActivateWriteLock;
> >     try
> >       CodeToolBoss.FindUsedUnitFiles(Buffer, IntfFiles, ImplFiles);
> >       WriteLn('intf=' + IntfFiles.CommaText);
> >       WriteLn('impl=' + ImplFiles.CommaText);
> >     finally
> >       CodeToolBoss.DeactivateWriteLock;
> >       Buffer.Free;
> >     end;
> >   finally
> >     Cache.Free;
> >     IntfFiles.Free;
> >     ImplFiles.Free;
> >   end;
> > end.
> >
> > It does what I need but it fails because it couldn't find some units. How
> > do I tell CodeToolBoss where to find them?
> See the codetools example finddeclaration.lpi.
> BTW:
> CodeToolBoss already creates a code cache and many functions expect, that
> you only use that one. To load a file, use Buffer:=CodeToolBoss.LoadFile.
> And the ActivateWriteLock is only needed, when doing multiple searches.

Ok, great hints! But... every time I run the app I something like

Scanning FPC sources may take a while ...
An unhandled exception occurred at $0809BF16 :
EListError : List index (1) out of bounds

Adding the CodeToolBoss.Init(Options) line to my test app produces analog
outputs. Excuse I cannot be more specific but the debugger does not seem to
 be working :( I verfied the gdb path and checked the linker options, but it
 does not stop on breakpoints.


> Mattias


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