[fpc-devel] Problems with Threads

Bogusław Brandys brandys at o2.pl
Sun Nov 20 12:24:07 CET 2005

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having problems with a multi-threaded application. It crashes on
> Windows. Upon startup the program creates a secondary thread with
> CreateSuspended := True
> Then, when pressing a button, the thread is resumed. I changed the
> Execute method of the thread to find the problem. Now it is only:
> procedure TMedidor.Execute;
> begin
>   while (not Terminated) do
>   begin
>     Self.Suspend;
>   end;
> end;
> On Linux the program works perfectly, but on Windows it will load,
> appear normal, but when I click the button it crashes!!
> The button code is only: vMedidor.Resume;
> I tryed to create a new empty program with just one button and see if
> the problem happens, but seams not to happen. o.O .... the problem seams
> only to happen on the whole program.
> On linux I am using the cthreads unit. Should I use something special on
> Win32??? I read about a {$THREADING ON} or something like that while
> searching the archives.
> any ideas??
> The only thing I can think of right now is rewriting the program to use
> Windows API to create the thread to try to find out if the program is my
> project or TThread class.
> thanks,
> Felipe
> PS: I am posting here because I posted on Lazarus mailling list and
> was told to repost here because this is more of a FPC problem
> PS2: I tested on two different configurations:
> latest subversion lazarus + FPC2.0.0

latest subversion lazarus + latest subversion FPC 2.0.3


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