[fpc-devel] OpenGL and glut bugs in Freepascal 2.1.1runningwith Mac Os X Tiger ?

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Fri Nov 4 22:32:10 CET 2005

On 04 Nov 2005, at 22:23, Matthias Krenzer wrote:

> 1.) Why are the fpc applications running fine after running some  
> open gl applications written in c ? (maybe i didn't get it yet, sorry)

Since we don't know what the bug in the Carbon framework is, that's  
hard to guess. And for some people, C programs in which the fpu  
overflow exceptions are enabled crash as well.

> 2.) It does not sound very safe to turn of the floating point  
> exceptions forever (or at least until Mac OS X 10.5).

There's nothing unsafe about it (except if you want your program to  
crash if it produces an fpu overflow).

> Is there any possibility to create some clean workaround without  
> needing the divine intervention of the apple fixing the carbon libs  
> in 10.4 ?

Since no one has a clue what causes the problem (except that it seems  
to have something to do with fonts and possibly language settings),  
I'm not sure how we could make another workaround than disabling the  


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