[fpc-devel] Does FPC support XML encoding ?

Sebastian Günther sguenther at gmx.de
Fri Nov 4 16:40:20 CET 2005

Alexander Todorov schrieb:
> Hi all,
> does fpc xml support encoding ???
> I have a document with
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> and an application which runs on a system with CP1251 locale. The text
> is read from the xml file but is not properly shown.
> How can I make it show properly ???

Actually the XML reader ignores the encoding. In FPC version 2.x it
should be possible to cheat a little bit by modifying the
AnsiString->Unicode translation manually. The XML reader processes input
as 8 bit ASCII (AnsiStrings) and internally translates it to Unicode
(i.e. WideStrings).

Yes the reader is old an incomplete. For the usual reason: No time...
Will be improved, but the question is when.

- Sebastian

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