[fpc-devel] No default property value allowed for double type?

Peter Vreman peter at freepascal.org
Tue May 17 08:47:12 CEST 2005

> Hi,
> Is there a reason why one can't specify a default value for a property of
> type double, or is this a bug? (In the latter case I'll file it as a bug)
> Compiler version: 2.0.0, Win32
> OS: Win XP (though I guess that is irrelevant)
> Example code:
> ===========
> program DoublePropDefault;
> type
>   TMyClass = class
>   private
>     FA: double;
>   published
>     property A:double read FA write FA default 100;
>   end;
> begin
> end.
> ===========
> Compiler error:
> ===========
> DoublePropDefault.pas(10,48) Error: Property can't have a default value
> ===========
> Note: this code does compile when replacing 'double' for for example
> 'single'.

I don't know the reason why single is allowed. Delphi doesn't allow
default values for single or double.

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