[fpc-devel] Generic Programming Units

John Briggs john at johneb47.id.au
Tue Jun 21 08:56:10 CEST 2005

This is a repost of an earlier response to another thread. I did not recieve
any response so I am posting this in its own thread.

I have several old books (circa 1991), including source code, covering TP6 in 
my library.
Perhaps the most interesting one covers generic programming. It covers 
modelling generic data stuctures including:
	Generic Stacks
	Generic Queques
	Generic Arrays
	Generic Virtual Arrays
	Generic Matrices
	Generic Jagged Matrices
	Generic Internal Hash Tables
	Generic Singly Linked Lists
	Generic Doubly Linked Lists
	Generic AVL Trees
	Generic Graphs

If any of these are of interest, please respond because I will have to rework 
the code for it to compile cleanly using FPC.


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