[fpc-devel] Silly syntax games

L505 fpc505 at z505.com
Sat Jun 11 04:20:10 CEST 2005

| > {$define {:= begin} //this works
| > {$define }:= end. }  //this doesn't work
| > {$define }:= end; }  //this doesn't work
| Are you sure that the first example really works? It might do somehting
| unexpected, even if the compiler doesn't complain.

I just tried it on short code, and it worked. Maybe not on longer code with
other comments further down, who knows. I don't really care though because I
find parenthesis hard to read on my monitors on hi res. I'd rather do
somethingelse useful with the macros.

| The problem with "{" and "}" is the conflict between these characters as
| delimiters of comments (the whole directive), and their use as
| identifiers inside the directives.
| As soon as you've redefined the meaning of "{" in the first line, it
| most probably becomes impossible to add any further compiler directive,
| because these start with exactly that redefined character!

Well that's why I was asking if any way to escape it like in a regex where you
go \escape , but again it's really not important for my needs.

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