[fpc-devel] TStringList.commatext

Martin Pekar martin.pekar at stonline.sk
Wed Jun 1 14:21:23 CEST 2005


I found some errors in TSringList.CommaText and tryed to fix it. For 
variable sl:TStringList, command


sometimes changes strings in the list
- when list contained more then one string and last string was '', previous 
command removed last string from the list
- string in a list was not qouted in commatext, if it contained #0 before 
first '"' or ',' or ' '
- commatext for empty list was '""', just like for list containing one empty 
string, so previous command changed empty list into list with one empty 

I am sending changed rtl\objpas\classes\stringl.inc in attachment. I have 
changed methods
Function TStrings.GetDelimitedText: string;
Procedure TStrings.SetDelimitedText(const AValue: string);
and removed
Function GetNextQuotedChar (var P : PChar; Var S : String; Delim,Quote : 
Char): Boolean;

changed parts are stil there as coments

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