[fpc-devel] Re: [fpc-pascal] Calling unassigned procedure gives no stack trace with -gl

Peter Vreman peter at freepascal.org
Fri Jul 15 10:13:02 CEST 2005

>> > > So, where should a solution come from?  Where in the
>> software/hardware
>> > > chain would a change be needed to make it work properly?
>> >
>> > For *nix: prt/crt0, there is a xorl %ebp,%ebp  But there might be code
>> > that relies on this (main program's parent's frame being nil)
>> (Continuing the thread from the fpc-pascal list on fpc-devel.)
>> But why then is a stack trace generated for the unhandled assert
>> exception
>> and not for the unhandled access violation (under Linux 386)?
> The first is a called procedure, the other an exception handler I guess
> (Peter already hinted at that).

This is out of reach for fpc. It is the linux kernel that resets ebp

>> Under Mac OS X (Darwin), I do get stack traces in both cases.  However,
>> in spite of compiling with -gl, I don't get line numbers in either case.
>> What is the cause for that?
> I don't know, but FPC/Darwin's startup mechanisms are afaik a bit
> different
> due to the mandatory libc use on Darwin. Linux and FreeBSD are by default
> still free of libc.

The lineinfo unit doesn't support Darwin yet.

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