[fpc-devel]problem with sqlite test program

Matt Henley mhenley at houston.rr.com
Sun Jan 25 19:25:22 CET 2004


I am still trying to get sqlite working under fpc (and lazarus).  I got
the package to compile under fpc.  I also compiled the test program. 
When I run ./test I get:

matt at snoopy sqlite $ ./test
Creating class
Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-minimal.c: 134: realloc: Assertion
`ptr == alloc_last_block' failed!

I dont know what this means,except that maybe a piece of memory wasnt
allocated when it should have been.

I am running gentoo with sqlite package installed:
matt at snoopy rh $ locate libsqlite

Any ideas?

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