[fpc-devel] Re: compiler bug?

Peter Vreman peter at freepascal.org
Fri Dec 31 10:47:22 CET 2004

> How about this one:
> program problem;
> begin
>   Write('Test One: ');
>   if ( boolean(255) ) then WriteLn(True) else WriteLn(False);
>   Write('Test Two: ');
>   WriteLn( boolean(255) );
> end.
> FPC 1.9.4 output:
>   Test One: FALSE
>   Test Two: TRUE
> Kylix 1.0 output:
>   Test One: TRUE
>   Test Two: Segmentation fault
> Looks like *somebody* has a compiler bug, anyway ;-)

We know this issue. There is even a comment in the RTL what can go wrong:

{ Can't use array[boolean] because b can be >0 ! }
  if b then

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