[fpc-devel]changes of THandle

Peter Vreman peter at freepascal.org
Sat Oct 11 20:04:10 CEST 2003

At 22:17 10-10-2003, you wrote:
>I've tried to recompile COMPILATOR
>I think I've found bugs:
>in FPC.PP
>line 67 string --> shortstring
>procedure findexe(var ppcbin:shortstring);
>line 235 string --> shortstring
>function hexstr(val : cardinal;cnt : byte) : shortstring;
>line 227 string --> shortstring
>function HexB(b:byte):shortstring;
>I don't know where compilere change strings, but I think that will be better
>all with today CVS
>PS. I can't recompile RTL - I've got
>varianth.inc(157,53) Error: Identifier not found "olevariant"

You have to rebuild everything using make cycle and start with a 1.0.10 


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