[fpc-devel]Re: Bug in AssignPipe() on Linux

GongYu 425009 at sina.com
Mon Nov 10 04:08:05 CET 2003

Jeff Pohlmeyer:
I do not try your sample(I remove it and install 1.0.10),
but the lazarus IDE on my pc always show the same error("can not create pipe")
with FPC 1.9.0 Compiler!


>> > Did you try the example I posted?
>> Yes, and it runs fine.
>> Peter
> I have tried everything you suggested  ( and everything else I can think of )
> but I still can't get it to work.
>Could someone else please try this with the Linux 1.9.0 compiler,  
>and let me know the results ?
>program pipetest;
>uses errors, unix;
>  pipi, pipo: text;
>  AssignPipe(pipi, pipo);
>  perror('AssignPipe', LinuxError);
> - Jeff
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               425009 at sina.com

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