[fpc-devel]demo programs for bugreports

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Wed Nov 5 23:06:09 CET 2003

> When I submit a bugreport and add a demo program to it I want it to be
> as useful to you, fpc-developers, as possible.
> On the website you mention "Generating high quality feedback (bugreports
> with 100 lines max demo programs)".
> One requirement for demo programs is clear:
> - less than 100 lines.
> Do you have other requirements? i.e on the output it should generate,
> when run?

- Shorter is better, 
- using less units is better. 
- Strip to the minimum as much as you can. So try e.g. if killing the parent class matters if
	you can, a program instead of a unit (if it is not unit related) etc.
- Play with it, see if the problems changes if you change some types related 
	to the problem.  	
- if you have multiple compiler (version)s, test both. If it is typical object pascal,
   a short comment on what delphi did is useful.

Output is hardly important. A breakpoint on the problem spot is the standard
way to proceed.

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